Gilt for two flutes and piano

(2015) 4'

Commissioned by Dolce Suono Ensemble

Program note

Gilt (a thin layer of gold covering a substance, e.g. “gilding the lily”) is a short composition that uses J. S. Bach’s Invention in F major as a point of departure. The canonic nature of Bach’s original two voices is expanded to four voices while other contrapuntal devices such as inversion, prolation, augmentation, mirror, stretto and retrograde are included, resulting in a capricious work of faux Bach. The title is also a double entendre expressing the composer’s guilt at using another composer’s music for a piece bearing his name. The work was composed for the Dolce Suono Ensemble, Mimi Stillman, director, for a concert in its 2014 tenth anniversary season. Seven composers were invited to compose “inventions” inspired by J. S. Bach as part of a “Tribute to Julius Baker” concert. Materials available from the composer.
